Hidding the Jitter

Vicente González Ruiz & Savins Puertas Martín & Marcos Lupión Lorente

November 1, 2024


 1 Latencies
 2 Using a buffer to hidden the jitter
 3 Deliverables

1 Latencies

Communication latency (also called network delay and end-to-end delay) is the time it takes for a chunk of data (encapsulated in an IP packet) to travel from one end-point of the network to another. This time is relevant for an intercom(municator) because the total latency \(t_u\) that users experiment can be approximated by \begin {equation} t_u = t_p + t_i, \label {eq:user_latency} \end {equation} where \(t_p\) is the propagation time (or propagation latency) of the link and \(t_i\) is the latency generated by the intercom.

Due to the current design of the Internet [43] (where the available bandwidth is shared on demand by the network users) \(t_p\) is variable in time and cannot be controlled without using Quality of Service (QoS)1 [1]. In contrast, \(t_i\) is constant for a given intercom configuration/implementation.

2 Using a buffer to hidden the jitter

We can consider that the Quality of Experience (QoE) provided by any intercom is inversely proportional to the jitter of the network, i.e., to the variation of the latency (see Fig. 1-a). One solution (see Fig. 1-b) is the use of a random access buffer at the receiver side, where the chunks are stored for a time large enough to hide the jitter [2].

Figure 1: Timelines of the interaction between two InterCom instances. On the left case, the playback is defective because some chunks are lost. On the right, the audio rendering is correct because the playback has been delayed 2 chunk times (enough for this example).

Dejitterizing buffers2 are typically implemented as a circular buffer structure (see Fig. 2). In an ideal situation (as depicted in the figure), the number of pending-to-be-played chunks available in the buffer is half of the number of slots in the buffer, and the chunks have arrived on time. In this example (Fig. 2), the receiver (where the chunks are buffered) waits for receiving 3 chunks before starting to play the chunk number 0.3 Notice that the number of slots in the buffer, \(2N\), must double the number of chunks buffered during the buffering time proportional to \(N\), in order to hide a jitter of \(N\) chunks-time. Notice also that this technique also introduces a \(N\times \) chunk-time delay in the playback.

(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: A circular buffer with 6 slots (space for 6 chunks). Half of the buffer is occupied (slots in gray) because the buffering time is 3 chunk times and 3 chunks (with chunk number 0, 1 and 2 in the beginning, subfigure (a)) have been received. The first chunk to be played is chunk 0 (subfigure (b)). Then, a new chunk (chunk number 3) is received and buffered (subfigure (c)).

For this new improved InterCom, users must provide a new parameter called “buffering time”. This value (typically expressed in milliseconds) should be large enough to hide the network jitter but small enough to keep the end-to-end (user) latency below some limit.

The following guidelines have been used to implement the buffered version of InterCom:

  1. The class Minimal has been inherited (extended) to implement a new class Buffering.
  2. In the payload of each UDP packet, a chunk number (a 16-bits counter) has been included in order to provide to the receiver the information to determine where to store the corresponding chunk in the circular buffer.
  3. It has been taken into consideration that the critical part of InterCom (the method record_send_and_play()) is a method that runs as an interrup handler that is called each time a new chunk is available in the ADC. More precisely:

    1. To minimize the latency, the recorded chunks are sent to the interlocutor as soon as possible.
    2. The playback of the chunks extracted from the buffer is gapless (without the occurrence of silences) as long as the chunks have been received on time.
    3. The lost4 chunks are replaced by zero-chunks in the playback.
  4. A method receive_and_buffer() runs now in a different execution thread, decoupled from the record_send_and_play() method. But notice that this can be achieved without using the threading or multiprocessing packages because the interruption handler (the so called callback() function in sounddevice) already runs in parallel with the main thread.

This is an overview of the implementation:

  # Interruption handler 
  def record_send_and_play(): 
   chunk = record()  # (1) 
   packed_chunk = pack(chunk)  # (2) 
   send(packed_chunk)  # (3) 
   chunk = unbuffer_next_chunk()  # (4) 
   play(chunk)  # (5) 
  # Main (not a new) thread 
  def receive_and_buffer(): 
   packed_chunk = receive()  # (1) 
   chunk_number, chunk = unpack(packed_chunk)  # (2) 
   buffer(chunk_number, chunk)  # (3)

Notice that Step (4) of the method record_send_and_play() extracts from the buffer an unpacked5 chunk. The chunks are buffered in Step (3) of the method receive_and_buffer(). Note also that Step (1) of receive_and_buffer() is a blocking method that should return with every new received chunk.

3 Deliverables

  1. Show the performance of Minimal in congested links: Determine the quality of the sound when minimal.py is used in a congested tranmission environment. You can quantify the QoE using the following classification:

  2. Find your minimum buffering time: Determine, experimentally:

    1. The minimum artificial latency that you must configure in your InterCom instance to communicate with your groupmate without lossing chunks, when he/she is in a different6 local network. Ping can help to estimate the latency.
    2. (Optional) Repeat the previous experiment using only localhost (transmiting the chunk between the loopback network adapter), but adding some jitter with the tool tc. If tc is not avaiable in your OS, you can use any other similar tool, or use the Linux system at the laboratory.


    An example of a notebook related to this milestone can be found here. Notice that not all the content of the notebook could be requested in this milestone.

[1]   Peter L. Dordal. An Introduction to Computer Networks. 2020.

[2]   James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet. Pearson, 2013.

[3]    William Stallings. Data and Computer Communications. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007.

[4]   Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Computer Networks. Prentice Hall, 2011.

1Something that is not available to normal network users.

2Usually implemented with random access buffers.

3Implementation tip: in a system where for each recorded chunk a chunk must be also played, a delay in the playback can be generated by sending zero-chunks to the DAC and then, after the delay, start sending the received chunk of audio, in the right order.

4Those chunks that have not been received on time or never have been received.

5Chunks will be compressed in a posterior milestone, and uncompressing is performed in this step.

6Different to the network in which you are using InterCom.