1 Contents and Scope
Tecnologías Multimedia (TM) is an optative subject of the Computer Science
Degree at the UAL (University of Almería). TM is focused on the development of
real-time audio processing techniques, specifically, encoding and transmission. the
contents can be found here.
2 Main goals
In this course we develop:
- The ability to understand the environment of an organization and its needs
in the field of information technologies and communications, in real time
- The ability to conceive systems, applications and services based on
network technologies, including Internet, Web, e-commerce, multimedia,
interactive services and mobile computing (TI6).
3 Methodology
TM follows the PBL (Project-Based Learning) methodology. The students,
helped by the lecturer, develop a project during the classes. This project is
InterCom(municator), a Python application that allows networked users to
communicate, in real-time, throught the Internet.
The project is developed as a sequence of milestones. The students, in groups of
up to 4 people, propose solutions for each milestone. Such solutions are presented to
the rest of the class, and each group gives and receives a feedback from the rest of the
class and also from the lecturer. The best solutions are incorporated to the project,
with the objective of improve it.
4 Timetable and Attendance
TM is organized in 14 lectures of 2 hours/session, and 14 practicals of 2
hours/session, during 7 weeks (approx.). See the official timetable.
5 Evaluation Criteria and Instruments
TM is evaluated continuously, although there is the possibility of a final evaluation
(which would be carried out on the day scheduled for the exam). The continuous
evaluation of the students is carried out from the work developed for each one of the
milestones that are presented in class.
The course evaluation process is the responsibility of the teacher and follows the
following rules:
- Sufficiently in advance, the teacher will propose a series of milestones
associated with the project that is developed in the subject. The teacher,
both during the master classes and in the practical classes, will give all
the necessary information so that the students can develop the milestones.
Generally, all milestones can be developed in parallel, although there will
be a proposed order of development.
- The teacher will periodically receive information from the students about
the degree of achievement of the milestones that are being developed, with
the purpose of directing the development of the milestones. When the
teacher check that the milestone has been correctly implemented, he will
propose to all the groups of students to present their solutions publicly
(in class).
- The grade that students will receive, for groups of up to 4 people, will
depend on the order in which the solutions for the milestones have been
reached. Specifically, the first group to achieve the milestone will receive
the highest rating (10) and the rest of the groups, in temporal order of
achievement of the milestone, will be rated with lower and lower grades,
which will always be higher than 5 if the milestone has been properly
- All the students of the same group will receive the same grade, but
internally (in the group) the students can modify the grade as long as the
grade of the group remains constant.
- The groups that do not present any solution will receive a score of 0 points.
The groups that have not approved following these rules will be qualified
as "Not Presented".
This information is extended in the Teaching Guide (Español/English).